Wednesday, November 13, 2013

birthday wishes

I was planning to wake hours before my usual schedule so we can have a dinner at least. No I didn't buy you a gift. I didn't buy you another bouquet of roses also because that was what I have been doing for years. I just wanted to be with you I suppose.

Instead I happily sent those little cute emoticons on our Facebook chat. It was you who suggested we can just have breakfast today because you understand how much I value my sleep because of my work.

You woke up late and we didn't meet. I am happy though. I would love to think you had a blast because you were able to have a celebration with your friends last night. I wonder what could have been different though since it has been your weekly habit anyways, drinking with them. I suppose you foot the bill.

You know I stopped celebrating my own birthdays years ago. I have my reasons. It doesn't mean however that I stopped understanding people who value their special day. I should have never agreed to your suggestion. We could have had a nice dinner to some fancy food place we don't normally go to. I would be delighted to pull the tab.

Anyways, it was over, so cheers to you my love. I wish you all the best life can offer and remember you don't have to share your blessings with me. I would always be okay knowing that you are happy.

I would be sleeping now.

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